Carbon Farming wird zum Wahlkampfthema in den USA

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Carbon Farming wird zum Wahlkampfthema in den USA

Beitrag von Manfred »

Bernie Sanders fordert ein 410 Milliarden $ schweres Förderprogramm zur Umstellung auf Regenerative Landwirtschaft:
Sanders’ Green New Deal plan contains a heavy dose of food policy reform—in ways that match and even exceed Warren’s grand designs. Like Warren’s ag plan, Sander’s document calls for a return to supply management and the “break up of big agribusinesses that have a stranglehold on farmers and rural communities.” And it commits a dramatic $410 billion over ten years to “help farms of all sizes transition to ecologically regenerative agricultural practices” geared to “both sequestering carbon and increasing resiliency in the face of extreme weather events. ... n-farming/
